You know you should be living healthier, but you just can’t seem to make the effort? The solution is simple and you don’t even have to “squeeze” yourself with a hard training plan or a diet that’s calculated macronutrients per gram.
Instead, all you need to start with is a walk, and TeamPuli will be a great partner to keep you moving. If you drive, drop your car off a few streets early and walk the rest of the way to your destination. If you take public transport, get off a stop or two earlier and then you can go for a good walk, which will also have a positive effect on your circulation. Of course, it’s a good idea not to be late, so use Google Maps to plan your journey to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
You can also get into the habit of walking by exploring your immediate surroundings, as you may find treasures along the way, such as a charming park, a cute café or a beautiful building. If you’re out on your own, the Bluetooth headphones are a useful companion, as you can listen to the latest podcasts, interesting audiobooks, the latest hits and even learn with audio-based learning materials while you walk.
And TeamPuli will keep track of your steps, which you should sync with it every day by launching the app. The best way to stay healthy is to take 10,000 steps a day, but you don’t need to accumulate that many at first, as that’s 2 hours a day at a moderate pace. Try to start small and keep walking more and more, which will help you get in better shape every day and avoid illness more and more easily.
Of course, it’s much easier if you do your health walks in good company, and any family member or friend can join you to support each other in achieving a better lifestyle and have a good chat. This could even become a regular programme, which will make things much easier for both of you.