The Ideal Team-Building Budget

Some managers love to save money on the department’s team-bonding activities, while others find it outrageous if the company cuts the team-building budget. Who is right, what is the cost of corporate events, and how to spend money wisely on your team? We will tell you! Why organize team-building events? There are many types of […]
The Impacts of Digital Transformation on Team Building

Today, almost everything has its digital version. Communication, the photos you take, your signature, and even events. The digital transformation is changing our lives, and with the pandemic, this process has become even faster. Now, core memories – for example graduation, the first job interview, etc. – are being made digitally. With a device. The […]
The Impacts of Digital Transformation on Team Building

Today, almost everything has its digital version. Communication, the photos you take, your signature, and even events. The digital transformation is changing our lives, and with the pandemic, this process has become even faster. Now, core memories – for example graduation, the first job interview, etc. – are being made digitally. With a device. The […]
3 Remote Work Bingo Ideas

Bingo is used to be known as a boring game in the Old People’s Home. But since the coronavirus completely changed our working methods, somehow Bingo became a fun activity that can be played remote too. We have 3 Remote Work Bingo ideas for you, to get your colleagues hyped. How to play a WFH […]